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Do you take breathing for granted? Breathing is an ongoing process while eating, talking, running, or signing. Every single breath you take has value. Like other exercises, breathing exercises help fight the stress and anxiety that burdens your soul.

Breathing Exercise
Breathing Exercise

Why does paying attention to your breathing pattern have significant importance? On normal days you inhale and exhale in a regular pattern. However, your breath becomes shallow, labored, and quick when stressed.

When too much stress and anxiety attack you, breathing exercises and a spiky massage ball help control your breath and signal to your brain that everything is okay now; you can also do home gym. So the parasympathetic system starts functioning.

What is the best breathing technique for anxiety?

Every one of us becomes a target of anxiety at some stage. Learning simple breathing techniques helps to calm your nerves and make you feel fresh and tension free. Here are the five best breathing home gym techniques for anxiety.

Box Breathing Technique:

The box breathing technique, also known as square breathing, helps to slow down your breathing.

  • Sit on a chair in a comfortable position.

  • Your back should be at rest.

  • Your feet are planted firmly on the floor.

  • Close your eyes.

  • Begin exhaling all your air out.

  • Through your nose, gently inhale for four counts.

  • Hold your breath for the following four counts.

  • Through your mouth, exhale for four counts.

  • Take a break for four counts and repeat.

Pursed Lip Breathing:

Pursed lip breathing is one of the best techniques for relaxing and calming your mind.

  • For two seconds, inhale through your nose until air moves in your abdomen.

  • Fill your abdomen with air just like the lungs.

  • Purse your lips and slowly blow air out for four seconds, just as whistling.

  • Repeat it 3-4 times.

  • If you feel dizzy, stop doing exercise.

4-7-8 Breathing Technique:

This technique is best to ease your symptoms and relax your mind.

  • Find a comfortable position in sitting or lying.

  • Through your mouth, exhales air out.

  • Close your lips tightly and inhale through your nose for four counts.

  • For the next seven seconds, practice holding your breath.

  • Do whooshing and exhale for at least eight seconds.

  • Repeat it.

Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique:

This technique helps to calm the nervous system by using both nostrils one by one.

  • Stand or sit in a comfortable position.

  • Close your right nostril with your right thumb and exhale.

  • Through the left nostril, inhale.

  • With your finger, close the left nostril.

  • Now open the right nostril and exhale.

  • Through the right nostril, inhale and close it.

  • By opening the left nostril, exhale through the left nostril.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique:

Diaphragmatic breathing can efficiently perform while standing, sitting, or lying.

  • Sit, stand or lie in a comfortable position.

  • Place your right hand on your chest, and you're left on your belly.

  • Breathe through your nose for at least four seconds until your stomach expands.

  • Never move your hand that lies on your chest.

  • Purse your lips and gently press your stomach.

  • Exhale for two seconds while keeping your hand on your chest.

  • Repeat it.

How can I stop being breathless when I have anxiety?

What do you do when you feel breathless in a stressful situation? Breathing exercises are the best way to deal with shortness of breath, along with a home gym and massage therapy. Breathing plays a crucial role in the natural healing process of a body.

Under a stressful situation, your body activates the fight-or-flight response, which leads to fighting for air. There are several ways to ease breathing when you have anxiety. You can perform home gym exercises or use a spiky massage ball that helps relieve stress.

You can perform all these exercises for at least five minutes daily, calming your nerves and providing relaxation. The best way to stop being breathless is when you have anxiety.

  • Avoid triggers that cause anxiety.

  • Focus on your breath while performing deep breathing exercises.

  • Meditation practice to reduce stress levels and calm your mind.

  • Home gym exercises that reduce stress hormones production and calm your nerves.

  • Medication to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety.

How can I improve my breathing skills?

Your heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature are regulated by breathing while allowing the movement of air in and out through the lungs. You can improve your breathing skills by following tips.

  • First, identify the problem or trigger points.

  • Learn about breathing exercises and how they affect your body.

  • Start practicing at home.

  • You can also use apps that have guidance related to breathing exercises.

  • You can use a massage ball spiky to relieve tension and ease movements.

  • You can improve your breathing skills by practicing with a partner.

  • Always take a break while practicing breathing exercises.

What is the best breathing exercise for sleep apnea?

Have you ever thought about why some people snore excessively and chronically? There are chances of sleep apnea that cause snoring, difficulty in concentration, irritability, depression, sexual dysfunction, and falling asleep even at work.

As the weakness of the throat muscle causes sleep apnea, its strengthening helps to keep airways open. Some of the best breathing exercises include

  • Box breathing

  • Pursed lip breathing

  • 4-7-8 breathing

  • Diaphragmatic breathing

  • Alternate nostrils breathing

Proper Breathing
Proper Breathing

Along with these exercises, you should also try home gym oral exercises like

  • Tongue Slide: Touch the hard palate with the tip of your tongue and slide the tongue backward. Repeat it 20 times.

  • Fake Yell: Open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out while the uvula sticks upward and maintain it for 5 seconds. Repeat it at least ten times.

  • Palate Slide: Open your mouth as wide as possible and say "Ah" in the back of the throat. Do this for 15 seconds. Repeat it 5-10 times.

  • Jaw Release: With your mouth closed, touch the hard palate. Open the jaw slowly and move the tongue backward. Repeat it twice a day for at least five minutes.

Final Verdict

Have you ever wondered if you can't be able to take a breath, then what effects it has on your life? It leads to dizziness, sexual dysfunction, sleep apnea, and cardiovascular problems. Breathing exercises help to fight this shortness of breath under stressful situations and calm your nerves.


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