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It can be difficult to get enough sleep in today's world. We are exposed to artificial blue wavelengths from digital devices, TV, computer screens, and smartphones, which can disrupt our natural sleep patterns. That is why better sleep should be a priority in everyone's life. Getting enough sleep is important for your physical and mental health. Studies show that sleep deprivation can impair your cognitive abilities during the day and have a negative impact on your mood and stress levels.

Sleep deprivation is becoming more of a global issue. Insomnia and Obstructive Sleep Apnea are the most common sleep disorders.

Inadequate sleep can reduce immunity and increase the risk of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and depression. It can also affect intellectual performance, mood, memory, and body weight control. Restful sleep is vital for healthy aging and the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

In this article, you will learn some helpful tips for improving your quality of life by getting more restful sleep. And how doing so can improve your overall health.

How to have a healthy sleep routine?

Everyone's sleep routine is unique, and even people who follow the same sleep pattern can have different results. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to getting more sleep.

The best thing to do is learn to understand your sleep cycle. The average person goes to bed around midnight., whereas the recommended sleep time is closer to 10 P.M.

A regular schedule is essential for promoting better sleep. You should try to plan your bedtime and wake time around your circadian rhythm. This will promote better sleep as opposed to an irregular sleep schedule, which can lead to insomnia.

How to have Better Sleep?

Sleep is a natural act that occurs as part of our circadian rhythm (the 24 hours biological cycle). As a result, sleep should come naturally. However, if you are struggling to maintain a sleep routine or you just cannot go to bed, it means that your daily activities might be causing a misalignment in your body.

To restore your sleep, it is ideal to build better bedtime habits. Some of the best routines to promote good sleep are;

Create a relaxing environment

Creating a soothing environment is one of the best ways to promote better sleep. You can use essential oils as a simple way to help you relax before bed. Another way to do this is to use sleep-related sounds and lights.

Eat well before bed

Studies have shown that your diet has an impact on your ability to sleep. Heavy and difficult-to-digest foods can lead to insomnia or poor-quality sleep. It is also important to avoid stimulant foods for at least six hours before bedtime. Coffee, black tea, mate, cola, and chocolate-based soft drinks are known to stimulate the body. You should instead eat light and healthy foods such as fruit, cruciferous vegetables, and sweet potatoes. You can also try drinking herbal tea to help you boost the quality of your sleep.

Limit your fluid intake

Adequate fluid consumption throughout the day is critical for health. But at night, you should reduce the amount of liquid you drink, as doing this will keep you from frequently waking up to use the restroom.

This is why you should try to drink more fluids at the start of the day and avoid drinking lots of water before bed. Aside from water, other healthy beverages you can drink are coconut water, naturally flavored water, natural fruit juices, and sugar-free teas.

Physical exercises for better sleep

Studies show that endorphin, a substance released by the body when you exercise, can make you feel good and improve your ability to sleep more peacefully. Maintaining a daily workout routine, in other words, is an important step toward better sleep.


On the other hand, if you already have insomnia, you should avoid strenuous activities at night. It is best to do them in the morning or afternoon. But if this is the only time you have to exercise, choose low-intensity activities. You can do stress relief activities such as yoga, meditation, and stress balls exercise.

Turn off your screens

Blue light (emitted by cell phones and computer screens) has been shown in studies to impair the release of hormones that induce sleep. That is why it is a good idea to keep these devices away from the bed. After all, the temptation to check your notifications on your phone can be strong. If you must sleep with your devices next to you, make sure you keep them silent and out of reach of children.

What are the benefits of good sleep?

Good night's rest is essential for your physical and mental health. It can help you avoid discomfort, bad mood, and drowsiness the next day.

Sleeping poorly can also contribute to the worsening or development of psychological disorders such as depression, stress, and anxiety.

In addition, studies show that sleep deprivation disrupts your body's internal balance, causing immune system malfunction, interference with metabolism, and weight gain.

How can I naturally promote sleep?

Having a good night routine is the best thing that you can do to promote your sleep naturally. However, there are some things that can make you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your rest. These include;

Promote Better Sleep
Promote Better Sleep

  • Sleep with a sound machine that helps you relax. Some people prefer rain sounds and others like white noise. You should find what works for you and always turn it on before bed.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before going to sleep.

  • If you live in a noisy neighborhood and want to block out external noises, you can use earplugs or headphones.

  • Make sure your bed sheets, covers, and pillowcases are clean.

  • Avoid using bright lights first thing in the morning.

  • Do relaxing activities such as stress ball exercise before going to bed.

  • Avoid overthinking things.

  • Keep your mind from thinking negative thoughts while lying down to sleep.

  • Read a page or two of a physical book.


It is important for your health and well-being to get enough sleep every night. Sleep deprivation is a major problem. Ignoring it can lead to serious issues that can affect your mood and productivity.

It is possible to improve your quality of sleep by making adjustments to your environment, eating a healthy diet, and doing some stress relief activities before bed. There is no one size fits all solution to better sleep. So, remember that you are one of a kind and that your biology is not the same as that of other people.

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