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Myotherapy is an alternative therapy practice that uses pressure and stretching to treat pain, reduce stress, and rehabilitate muscle function. It's an awesome way to feel better again that's 100% natural.

Myotherapy is a whole-body treatment that uses hands-on pressure and stretching techniques to treat soft tissue and emotional stresses, recover muscle function & range of movement, and generally improve body alignment. The term 'myo' is coined from the Greek word mys meaning muscle, so let's unpack what that means in Myotherapy…

Myotherapy is an umbrella term used to describe a variety of soft tissue therapies including: trigger point therapy (active release technique), myofascial release therapy, neuromuscular therapy, structural integration & myofascial massage.


There are many different types of myotherapy treatments: dry needling (also called acupressure), neuromuscular therapy (NMT), myofascial release (MFR) therapy, and self-trigger point therapy are all variations on a technique that is supported by science.

You can find a myotherapist pretty easily in most larger cities, just make sure you pick someone reputable. To be clear, myotherapy is not acupuncture or acupressure (which are different things), and if you go see an acupuncturist for pain relief and they stick needles in your back to help ease your discomfort, the technique they're using is called a combination of both acupuncture and trigger point release. People must be whole-body that when it comes to alternative treatments there are many different skills involved, some people are better at some techniques than others. You don't have to fall for some sketchy alternative treatment provider who will do a bunch of things at once and charge you an arm and a leg for it.


If you've ever been unsure of the difference between massage and myotherapy, worry not! It's an easy question to answer.

Myotherapy is a form of therapy specifically developed for muscles and the fascia that surrounds them. It's used to treat several different types of muscle disorders, including chronic muscle pain, repetitive strain injuries, or even paralysis. Massage is a treatment that can be used in conjunction with myotherapy treatments, or on its own.

Most therapies you find at a clinic will offer both — but it's always worth checking with your therapist before booking to see what they specialize in. Massage is a popular therapy that can be used across the board, but it's not meant to be used on muscles.

Myotherapy is purely focused on treating muscle problems using specific therapies for muscles and fascia. Massage has many uses both as a therapy and as a recreational practice. As a treatment for muscle pain or degeneration of muscles, it's comparable to medications like Advil or Aleve. While there is no hard evidence that massages can treat muscle damage or injury, there is some evidence that massage reduces inflammation and alleviates pain.

Myotherapy is also a form of manual therapy that emphasizes the use of muscle energy to increase the stretch reflex and range of motion. Once these muscles are properly stretched, they can be stimulated with dynamic movements and then re-inhabiteduseful to create a relaxation response. Massage therapy is frequently used in conjunction with myotherapy as it promotes circulation through rhythmic compression and decompression for soft tissue balancing.

Massage therapy consists of kneading, stroking, tapping, pressing or percussing the muscles with fingers or hands to relax them while preventing injuries. It can also be used in a blend with other therapies such as physical therapy or rehabilitation following injury or surgery.


Physiotherapy and myotherapy are not the same, in that they both involve different modes of treatment. Physiotherapy deals more with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of injuries caused by physical activity. It is also used to treat musculoskeletal disorders such as cerebral palsy or arthritis.

The general focus of physiotherapy is on movement and function and it involves hands-on treatments for people with a wide range of conditions. Physiotherapists may manipulate muscles, joints, or limbs as well as providingprovide therapeutic exercises to prevent or reduce pain in a way to get you moving again after injury or illness.

Myotherapy is a more specific kind of physiotherapy and deals more with muscle strengthening techniques that can be done at home. Myotherapy can be usefula, following providing providinginjury injur providing injury surgery, or any other condition which may impair movement. However, as myotherapy requires the patient to actively participate in strength-building routines, it is not suitable for everyone.

Myofascial trigger points are fond spots in muscles that can become fixed and knotted (triggering) due to prolonged stress. This can happen when a muscle is overworked or strained by holding an awkward position for too long. Pain or tenderness can also occur from repetitive motion or exercise that causes tightness of the surrounding soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, and tendons).

Myofascial trigger points cause pain in the area of the muscle where they are located, as well as radiating pain to other areas. They might also cause a change in sensation, such as numbness or tingling, and a variety of other symptoms.

Myofascial trigger points can be found by touch. This is called palpation. The discomfort they cause can be described in terms of their intensity or severity on a rule from 1 to 5 with the number 5 being the most severe. Myofascial trigger points can also be detected by feeling muscle tightness or spasms (taut bands) when the muscle is stretched out.


Myotherapy can be referred to as a type of manual therapy that focuses on relieving muscular musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction by the systematic use of physical pressure, movement, and stretching.

Myotherapy helps to address pain caused by a variety of sources such as accidents, repetitive strain injury, inflammation, and overuse. It can help with neck pain, back pain, postural problems, and other types of muscular discomfort.

If you’re suffering from muscle pains, it could be because you don’t have a strong enough mind-body connection. With myotherapy, we help to break down those barriers and allow your body to heal itself naturally.

Myotherapy is a complementary therapy that helps to resolve muscular pain and improve mobility and posture. Myotherapy practitioners are also trained to help with a range of other issues that arise from the way we use our muscles. These include sports injuries, repetitive strain injuries, and motor control problems.

What does myotherapy do?

A myotherapist will work closely with you to diagnose your problem. The myotherapist might palpate (feel) the muscle or trigger point area to identify certain tenderness and discomfort. They may then ask you to try some simple movements such as reaching out with your arm, leaning forward, or bending down in order understand to see how much movement you can manage without causing pain.

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